Welcome to Contact Lens Care Blogs:

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This Blogs will compile all the useful tips from various website and Pharmacy about how to take care of your Contact Lenses.  Choosing the right colour and to wear Contact lenses properly.

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Contact Lenses

Almost everyone wears contact lenses these days. In fact, you can't really tell who is and who isn't and some do not even wear them for vision correction.

Athletes wear specific ones to have sharper vision while celebrities and Halloween enthusiasts wear coloured ones to go with matching outfits. They are ideal for people who have myopia (short-sightedness) or hyperopia (long-sightedness) where those affected are unable to focus light directly on the retina.

How do contact lenses stay comfortable, one might ask? Lubrication to the cornea is emitted by your eyes when you blink, which helps flush away any impurities that may be stuck to the lenses.

Resources taken from Guardian - the one you trust.


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