Welcome to Contact Lens Care Blogs:

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This Blogs will compile all the useful tips from various website and Pharmacy about how to take care of your Contact Lenses.  Choosing the right colour and to wear Contact lenses properly.

Please visit more often because i will update with latest info about color Contact lenses, and more tips will discover soon.

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Do's and Don'ts of Lens Care With Makeup

If you're used to wear makeup and you're starting to wear contact lenses, you'll need to make a few adjustments to your makeup routine so that you don't accidentally damage your lenses with makeup.

Making yourself look good, whether it's your skin, hair or even your eyes, usually just comes down to the basic rule: keep it clean.

However, there might be some tricks to keep your eyes and lenses clean that you haven't considered.

  • Throughly clean your hands before applying your lenses. Even residue from moisturisers or cleansers can cause various problems to your eyes and lenses, so wash up!
  • Make sure your lenses are applied before your makeup.
  • Slowly apply your eye shadow and eyeliner. Rushing to do the job might cause you to accidentally damage your lenses.
  • Make sure you use only oil and fragrance-free eye makeup.
  • Prevent your mascara and eyeliner from getting into your lenses by using only water-resistant mascara and eyeliner.
  • Replace your mascara every month and your eyeliner every three months.
  • Always remove your lenses before removing your eye makeup.
  • Never leave eye makeup on for more than a day because the residue could get into your eyes and stick on your lenses.
  • Use an oil-free hypoallergenic makeup remover

  • Do not wear your lenses or apply makeup on your eyes if they're swollen, red or infected.
  • Do not share your makeup with anyone else.
  • Do not share your contact lenses (extremely unhygienic!).
  • Do not apply eyeliner inside of your lashes.
  • Do not expose your makeup to extreme temperature because it will alter the chemical composition.
  • Do not wear your lenses to the hair stylist (hair spray and fumes can damage your lenses)

Resources taken from Guardian - The one you trust


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